Caloundra Weather

Average January weather in Caloundra (Queensland), Australia

Caloundra's January minimum temperature (usually, the lowest temperature recorded during the night) is 21.8°C. The average January rainfall is 143mm. On average, it rains for 8 days. The average daytime temperature is 30.4°C. January is the hottest month. This is the best time to visit Caloundra, which boasts 268 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in January? Caloundra is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 25.0°C.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours268
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Caloundra weather in February

Caloundra's February minimum temperature is 21.5°C. The average February rainfall is 149mm. It is the wettest month of the year. On average, it rains for 10 days. The average daytime temperature is 30.3°C. Caloundra has 233 hours of sunshine, so if you love blue skies and the sun this is a great time.

What should you wear in February? Caloundra is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature of around 25.0°C.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours233
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Caloundra weather forecast for March

Caloundra's average minimum temperature in March is 20.4°C. The average rainfall in March is 112mm. On average, it rains for 10 days. The average daytime temperature is 29.2°C. Caloundra has 232 hours of sunshine, so if you love blue skies and the sun this is the time to visit.

What should you wear in March? Caloundra is a rainy destination so make sure to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature of around 25.0°C.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature28 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours250
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Caloundra weather forecast April

Caloundra's average minimum temperature in April is 17.6°C. The average rainfall in April is 65mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The average daytime temperature is 27.2°C. Caloundra has 239 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

What should you wear in April? Caloundra visitors might like to wear tops, dresses, T-shirts, and skirts made from cotton or linen. For those hot days, shorts made from linen or cotton for men are a good option. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 23°C.

Min Temperature17 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours239
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

Caloundra Weather May

Caloundra's May minimum temperature is 14.0°C. The average rainfall in May is 62mm. On average, it rains for 6 days. The average daytime temperature is 24.7°C. Caloundra has 199 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun. Caloundra is best known for its May weather.

What should you wear in May? A rain jacket is recommended for this time of year, as it may rain for a few days. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature of around 22°C.

Min Temperature14 °C
Max Temperature24 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours199
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain20%
Rainy Days6

Caloundra weather radar for June

Caloundra's average minimum temperature in June is 12°C. The average rainfall in June is 69mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The day can be very pleasant. The average daytime temperature is 22°C. This makes June the coldest month of the year. This is the best time to visit Caloundra, which boasts 241 hours of sunshine. June is a popular month to visit Caloundra.

What should you wear in June? Caloundra is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very warm so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 21°C.

Min Temperature12 °C
Max Temperature22 °C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours241
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

July weather in Caloundra , Australia

Caloundra's July minimum temperature is 10.4°C. July is dry with an average rainfall of 24mm . It is the driest month of the year. On average, it rains for 4 days. It is possible to expect pleasant temperatures throughout the day. The average daytime temperature is 22.3°C Caloundra has 272 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun. July is a popular month to visit Caloundra.

What to wear in July? Layers are recommended for visitors to Caloundra. Layers include a skirt, tee-shirt, and shorts for the day, and jeans for evenings and days. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 20°C.

Min Temperature10 °C
Max Temperature22 °C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours272
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Caloundra weather for August

Caloundra's average August minimum temperature is 10.9°C. August's rainfall averages 37mm. On average, it rains for 4 days. It is possible to expect pleasant temperatures throughout the day. The average daytime temperature is 23.6°C. Caloundra has 269 hours of sunshine, which is great for those who love blue skies and the sun. August is a popular month to visit Caloundra.

What should you wear in August? A rain jacket is recommended for this time of year as it may rain for a few days. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 19°C.

Min Temperature41 °C
Max Temperature23 °C
Average Sea Temperature19°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours269
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

September weather of Caloundra

Caloundra's September minimum temperature (normally the lowest temperature recorded during the night) is 13.9°C. September is a dry month, with an average rainfall of 29mm. On average, it rains for 4 days. The average daytime temperature is 25.9°C. Caloundra has 271 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

What to wear in September? Caloundra visitors might like to wear tops, dresses, T-shirts, and skirts made from cotton or linen. For those hot days, shorts made from linen or cotton for men are a good option. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 20°C.

Min Temperature13 °C
Max Temperature25 °C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours271
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Weather Forecast Caloundra October

Caloundra's October minimum temperature (often the lowest temperature recorded during the night) is 16.6°C. October's rainfall averages 77mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The average daytime temperature is 27°C. Caloundra has 270 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

What should you wear in October? Caloundra is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 21°C.

Min Temperature16 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours270
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

November weather Caloundra (Queensland), Australia

Caloundra's average November minimum temperature (often the lowest temperature recorded during the night) is 18.9°C. The average November rainfall is 92mm. On average, it rains for 8 days. The maximum daytime temperature is 28.5°C. Caloundra has 273 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

What should you wear in November? Caloundra is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature of around 22°C.

Min Temperature18 °C
Max Temperature28 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours273
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Caloundra weather in December

Caloundra's December minimum temperature (usually, the lowest temperature recorded during the night) is 20.6°C. December's rainfall averages 130mm. On average, it rains for 9 days. The average daytime temperature is 29.8°C. Caloundra has 265 hours of sunshine, which is great for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

What should you wear in December? Caloundra is a rainy destination so make sure to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature of around 23°C.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours265
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain30%
Rainy Days9

Weather Forecast Caloundra 7 Days

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